Zombie Exploder

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Info About the Zombie Exploder.

Zombie Exploder is an action game where players fight zombies in a building to escape. The unique thing about this game is that you can use your fists and legs to punch and kick your way through waves of zombies. Controls are easy to operate you use your keyboard to move and The mouse to perform punches and kicks. Your goal is to kill as many zombies as possible before they overrun you.

The zombies become more aggressive As the game progresses and make it harder to survive. Gameplay is focused on fast responses and The smashing of zombies with powerful hits. It even includes a fun mode where you can collect candy after defeating zombies adding a lighthearted touch to The intense action.

Zombie Exploder is a good choice for those players who enjoy simple but exciting Zombie-fighting games. The unique mix of rock music and zombie action keeps the energy high throughout the game.

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