Fly Tangle 2

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About Fly Tangle 2

Fly Tangle 2 is a fun puzzle game where you help a group of tangled flies by untangling their webs. The goal is simple but challenging: you need to move the flies around until none of the connecting lines between them overlap. This untangling process requires careful thinking and planning, as each level becomes more complex with additional flies and connections.

The game features 48 levels, each with increasing difficulty, ensuring that you stay engaged as you progress. If you get stuck on a level, there’s an option to see the solution or use a repellent to eliminate some flies and make the puzzle easier. The game’s soothing background music and simple graphics make it a relaxing yet mentally stimulating experience.

Fly Tangle 2 is a great game for anyone who enjoys puzzles and problem-solving. It encourages logical thinking and patience, making it perfect for young players who want to test their skills. Whether you’re playing to beat your previous times or just to enjoy the challenge, this game offers hours of entertainment.

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