Epic Battle Fantasy

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Learn about Epic Battle Fantasy

“Epic Battle Fantasy” is a popular RPG series known for its turn-based combat, humorous dialogue, detailed art, and numerous references to various video game and pop culture tropes. The series was created by Matt Roszak, often known by the pseudonym “Kupo707. Version 1”

Here’s a more detailed overview of the “Epic Battle Fantasy” series:

Key Features:

  1. Turn-based Combat: The games employ classic turn-based combat, where players and enemies take turns selecting attacks, skills, or items.
  2. Vast Array of Skills and Equipment: Players can customize their characters with a wide variety of weapons, armor, and magical abilities. This allows for strategic gameplay, with players choosing the best loadouts for specific battles.
  3. Varied Enemies: The games feature a wide range of enemies, from classic fantasy creatures to more whimsical and unique foes, many of which are nods to video games and other media.
  4. Humorous Dialogue and References: One of the series’ hallmarks is its light-hearted and often humorous tone. Players can expect plenty of jokes, puns, and references to other video games, anime, and pop culture.
  5. Detailed Art and Animation: The game’s visuals are vibrant and detailed, with a unique style that sets it apart from many other RPGs. Each entry in the series has seen improvements in this area.
  6. Expansive Worlds and Exploration: As the series progressed, the worlds in which the games are set became more expansive, offering plenty of areas to explore, secrets to uncover, and side quests to complete.

The Epic Battle Fantasy series is a love letter to classic RPGs and is especially enjoyable for those who appreciate games filled with references and humor related to the broader world of video games.

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