Crunch Ball 3000

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About the Ball.

Crunch Ball 3000 is a futuristic sport game that mixes elements of rugby and football with intense violent gameplay. Two teams of 10 players each battle to score goals by any means necessary In this game. Players can punch and kick their way through the opposition to control a metal ball and score in the opponent’s goal. In a dystopian future where traditional sports have been banned Crunch Ball 3000 is The only remaining outlet for competitive play.

The game allows players to progress through four divisions and make their own teams with unique names, colors, and abilities. The option to train players upgrade equipment and even use performance enhancing drugs is also available with the risk of penalties. Combining sport strategy and combat The game is unique and thrilling.

The fast-paced strategic gameplay of Crunch Ball 3000 and its futuristic setting offer a new take on traditional sport games making it a stand-out for players who enjoy both sport.

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