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Find out more About Axon.

Axon is an educational and unique game that challenges players to grow the longest neuron possible. Play as a tiny neuron In the brain and your goal is to extend its branches as far as you can. You must click on the protein targets that help your neuron grow. As you hit more targets your neuron will grow longer.

The game is intended both to be fun and to be informative teaching players about The growth of neurons and how they connect in The brain. The targets become more challenging to reach As you progress they require quick thinking and fast clicking. It’s a good way to learn about science while having fun.

Axon features easy to use controls and colorful graphics that make it accessible to players of all ages. It’s a great game for children who want to learn more about neuroscience and how the brain works. You’ll feel a sense of accomplishment With each level you complete as your neuron grows longer and stronger.

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