Age of Wonder

Play Online Age of Wonder

Age of Wonders,” released in 1999, is a turn-based strategy game developed by Triumph Studios and Epic MegaGames, known for its intricate gameplay and fantasy theme. The game, set in a rich fantasy world, involves strategic empire-building and tactical combat, with an emphasis on the thoughtful arrangement of units and effective use of resources like gold and mana.

The gameplay unfolds on a map of hexagonal tiles, where players maneuver units, manage cities, and engage in battles. It offers a choice between sequential and simultaneous turn systems, adding depth to the strategic elements. The game also features a variety of races, each with unique abilities and alignments, influencing interactions and diplomacy within the game.

A notable aspect of “Age of Wonders” is its robust single-player campaign and the support for multiplayer modes, including hotseat and play-by-email. This flexibility, combined with the game’s detailed fantasy setting and strategic depth, has contributed to its lasting appeal and the development of a series of sequels.

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