Red Remover

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Get to Know About Red Remover

Red Remover is a physics-based puzzle game where your goal is to remove all red shapes from the screen without letting any green shapes fall off. The red shapes are sad and need to be removed, while the green shapes are happy and must be kept on the screen. The gameplay starts off simple, but as you progress through the 40 levels, the puzzles become more challenging with complex gravity and obstacles.

The player must carefully click on the red shapes to remove them while ensuring that the green shapes remain safe. Blue shapes can be removed or left on the screen, as they do not affect the outcome. The game becomes more complex after level 10, introducing new challenges like changing gravity directions, making the player think creatively to solve the puzzles.

Red Remover offers a fun and engaging way to test your logical thinking. With its cute and simple animation style, the game is suitable for all ages. It also features a level editor, allowing players to create and share their own levels, adding replayability and more fun to the game.

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