Nuclear Eagle

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Enjoy Playing Nuclear Eagle

In Nuclear Eagle, you play as a giant mutant eagle who needs to feed its babies. The twist is that the food is the people from a nearby city! The goal is to grab humans and throw them into your nest before they fight back. The game is all about surviving as long as possible while keeping your eagle chicks well-fed.

As you progress, the people you try to capture will start fighting back, using guns, cars, and other weapons to protect themselves. This adds a layer of challenge, as you must dodge their attacks while still grabbing them. The gameplay involves using your mouse to grab and fling the people into the nest, making it fun but also tricky as the action speeds up.

The art style is a bit cartoonish and funny, despite the somewhat dark concept. Players enjoy the mix of strategy and fast-paced action, trying to last longer with each round. It’s a unique and quirky game that blends humor with arcade-style gameplay.

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