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Infestor is a fun and strategic platformer game in which players control a small green alien with the ability to infest humans. The main aim of The game is to use your alien powers to take over different characters in The game to solve puzzles and reach The end of each level. Players can make aliens jump into humans and take control of them to access new abilities such as climbing ladders shooting weapons or even pushing heavy objects.

The challenges become more complex As players progress through the levels. You’ll have to consider carefully who to infest and when to do it. The solution to the puzzle Sometimes involves changing between human beings and using their unique abilities to complete the level. Gameplay is exciting and makes The player think strategically.

For kids who enjoy platform games that combine fun action with puzzle solving Infestor is great. Colorful graphics simple controls and interesting concepts make it easy to pick up and play. As players solve puzzles while enjoying the adventure It also helps develop critical thinking skills.

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