Flooded Village

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There is a Village that has been Flooded.

The Christmas-themed Flooded Village was inspired by Flooded Village.: Christmas Eve. In this game your goal is to help water flow through different levels to make crops grow fill up wells and ensure pirates can sail. Like in the version of christmas Eve players must carefully remove tiles to direct the water where it is needed without causing unintended consequences Like flooding houses or drowning villagers.

In The game you have to control The flow of water to achieve The objectives. You have to water plants Sometimes and Sometimes you have to make sure ships can sail. The difficulty grows with more obstacles and tricky puzzles that require thoughtful planning as you move through The levels.

Flooded Village is a classic puzzle game enjoyed by players for its simple yet engaging gameplay. The game encourages strategic thinking and offers a satisfying experience as you find the best way to solve each level’s puzzles.

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